
Biography/Everyday life, Canada/Myanmar (Burma) 2022

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The young Muslim woman Nyo Nyo is determined to become a reliable midwife. Her Buddhist teacher, Hla, has an improvised clinic in western Myanmar where the two women work together despite their different ethnic and religious affiliations, but also face threats. The clinic is the only hope for medical care for pregnant women, newborns and children, as the Muslim Rohingya are without rights. Hla's burden in the clinic's daily routine is great and her safety is at risk. Still, she encourages her student daily and challenges them to do better. In the country, the population is struggling with the aftermath of the military coup and the crackdown on protesters. The two midwives brave the adverse conditions, chaos and violence, and struggle to find the happiness that comes whenever a birth succeeds and a child is born. Snow Hnin Ei Hlaings made her remarkable documentary debut about six turbulent years in Rakhaing State in Myanmar. Full of love, empathy and hope, MIDWIVES offers a rare glimpse into the complex reality of Myanmar and its people. At the same time, the film draws attention to the indispensable contribution to the care of pregnant women, young mothers and newborns that midwives make worldwide. The film won at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival and is nominated for the Independent Spirit Award.
92 min
FSK 12
Audio language:


2022 Sundance Film Festival Special Jury Award for Excellence in Vérité Filmmaking
Indie Meme FF, Austin 2022 Jury Award for the Best Documentary
DMZ International Documentary Film Festival 2022 Asian Competition Grand Prize und Next Award

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